Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just one or those f***ing days

So have your ever have one of those days when everything that can go wrong did go wrong. Well yesterday was one of those days. I seem to be having a lot of them lately and starting to feel like someone is out to get me.

I bid for an online job only the second one I ever bid on and got. Trouble started when I couldn't open the file. I called Justin he was out of office so he couldn't help me. I forwarded the message to him, and he finally got to check it at around 2 pm he had no trouble opening it so he sent it back to me. Trouble was the electricity in the house went out at 1 pm and didn't come back until 9:30 pm.

It did come back for about 20 mins at around 5 pm but went out again. So at 9:30 pm tried to log on again and the Internet connection was out and didn't come back until this morning around 9 pm. So with all that happening I was out over RM 200.00. NOW DOESN'T THAT JUST SUCK THE BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still can't open the file!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A lot of Hollywood actesses resort to cosmetic surgery to retain that bloom of youth. Look at Madonna, Jane Fonda, Joan Collins, Elisabeth Taylor to name a few. But when is it time to stop with the face lifts.

The other night I was watching "That Seventies Show" and the latest cast member to join is Mary Tyler Moore. Now I used to watch her in "The Dick Van Dyke Show", then she had her own show called "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" she was also in a few movies one which comes to mind is "Ordinary People". In this movie she still looked ok but the other night when I saw her I just shook my head. While her face looks young no doubt as a result of numerous face lifts, botox and skin peelings she is a character of the woman she used be. She must certainly be in her seventies by now and while she is slim she has the posture of an old lady. She also has the wrinkled neck of an old lady and her hair while died a light redish brown is thinning. I looked at her and just wanted to cry and tell her to give it up.

While Madonna can still get away with it someone of Mary's age should have let things go south, because she does not look attractive at all. She just looks gross, and when she opened her mouth to talk out came the reedy voice of an old woman. I'd just like to say when is enough, enough.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Wow long time

Wow it's really been a long time since I wrote in my blog. I've been busy writing articles and yesterday I made another USD32 for one of my articles. I was so happy. It sure is hard work all this writing though, I work harder at this then I did at my last job.

My writing site has a contest going on and I keep bouncing up and down from 3rd place to 1st place to 5th place to 2nd place, just like a yoyo. So today is the last day and yesterday I was in 3rd place hopefully I can stay there.

I have started my novel hopefullly it goes well and I can publish it after it's done. I'm sure writing this book will pull a gut. Wish me luck.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


While writing online it is so difficult to get information with out sounding like someone else. So as I write articles I am terrified of plagiarising some one elses work.

With every topic you research there are at least 5o websites on the topic all pretty much saying the same thing. So it's pretty difficult to put a new slant on it. One the sites I write on we have to do ratings of other peoples articles. While I try not to be to harsh on other people, I know how difficult it is to write, there have been a few articles I have rated and noted they had used someone elses article word for word. I know because doing research I read the same article. I just let it pass though let some other whistle blower do the dirty job of reporting it. After all most of us are just in this for the money Hahahahaha. Since I started writing though I find I have a real passion for it. I work harder at this then I ever did at my last job.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Check Out The Two Silly Dudes

I haven't been entering a blog on a daily basis of late because I have been concentrating on my writing. I have a few sites that I write for and so try to hammer out articles at a rate of 2-3 a day.

Anyway the kids are now on school holidays. Robyn is doing something constructive such as working. Yes she is now working at Aeon her favorite hang out place. Jordan is sitting around bored. He likes to spend the night at friends houses, and what they do I do not know. I do know that they don't actually sleep. Last Friday he came home from his friends house with another friend. The cycled up at 8:30 in the morning and informed me that they hadn't slept the whole night and now wanted to follow Robyn to Aeon. I asked them if didn't need to get some sleep and they said no, they weren't tired. And so this is what happened at Aeon.

Monday, November 10, 2008

There Back!!!!!!

There back, those ugly little things that like to hitch a ride on your dog and suck blood, the disgusting little tick. I hate them with a passion. There have been times when I was working I did not notice until the whole floor was infested with them.

There seem to be three types, the triangular red ones, the little black ones and the big ugly gray ones that get left behind on the floor after your dog has spent time biting and licking themselves. They lay there like some kind of seed with legs. Ugh!!! These ones get special attention from me as I enjoy picking them up in tissue and squashing them making sure it will never suck blood again.

There was the time my poor Great Dane was so infected with them that after giving her a tick bath the poor wee thing lay on her side outside while thousands of them abandoned ship. I was afraid the poor dog was going to or go nuts. Last year I started putting "Tick and Flea collars on all three dogs and it really does keep the tick population from growing. So now I guess it's time to replace the old collars and get new ones. I'll get my son to give them all a tick bath first. Thank god the Great Dane doesn't have them yet.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mrs. Obama's Dress

So the election is finally over and everyone is happy about Obama winning, but what the hell is the matter with people? Who cares what his wife wore. I actually thought she and the two girls where co-ordinated quite nicely.

To my way of thinking people or women in particular should be more worried about the economy instead of worrying about what the future first lady is wearing. If you compare her to Sarah Palin the one who supposedly spent USD150,000.00 on her wardrobe I'd rather give Mrs. Obama applause for wearing off the rack.

I know the first lady will be in the public eye a lot but with the whole world going through a recession she is taking the lead and proving you don't have to spend a bomb to look nice. I say leadership by example. You Go Girl!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

President Obama

Now I am as white as white can be. My mothers family came from England, my mother was born in Canada so she second generation, my dad came from Holland, so what does that make me first generation or third generation? Who cares, as I said my back ground is made up of anal retentive English and drunken dutch.

So why is it that when Barrack Obama became the first ever African American President I cried. Tears of joy that is. I'm not even American for Christ's sake. I don't really follow politics more or less skim the headlines to see what is actually going on in this world. Fact of the matter is I know more about whats going on in America then I know about what's going on in Canada. Off the top of my head I couldn't even tell you who the Canadian Prime Minister is. That's pretty sad. I mean all the news reports online are all about the States and a few other European countries. Canada must be doing pretty good since I don't see anything written about them.

So it seems every one in the world is happy about Obama winning. Even our Malaysian Prime Minister mad a statement. Did your read it? He said even minorities can become leaders of a country. Now that has to be the biggest joke of the century. Do you think a Chinese will become Prime Minister of Malaysia or an Indian Prime Minister. Is that Badawi's prediction for the future.Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't make me laugh!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

My House

I love my house and I can sit inside all day vegging out on the sofa watching TV. But I have to tell you the quality of building materials now a days and the quality of work put into the houses SUCKS!!!!!!

Now my father in laws house is around 30 to 40 years old and that house is still standing solid, although it should have fallen down by now with all the bullshit that goes on in that house.

My house on the other hand is only 10 years old. Two years ago I had to have it treated for termites. Now I loath termites after having a bad experience with them. Before we moved here we had lived in my husbands grandfathers house. A week or so after my husband passed, the ceiling in my bedroom dropped down on my bed in the middle of the night. Luckily I had gotten up to wee, and heard the noise while sitting on the toilet. When I went back to my bed it was covered in ceiling and termites. YUCK!!!!!!!!!

Back to my house, after calling in the termite people and after them drilling holes through the floor all over my house I still have termites so now they have to come in every month to check and spray. Why do I have still have termites, well probably because my neighbour has them and those little bugger walk across the wooden beams that join our houses, their like visitors from hell.

Another thing I noticed recently is my ceiling in the living room is has water spots. My bathroom adjoined to my bedroom is situated in that area. So much for waterproofing. I just hope the water doesn't soak into the light that is there and electrocute us when we switch on the light.

Then there is the tiles in the kitchen buckling off the wall. By the sink. Then the other day I notice a crack along the tiling in my shower so this morning out of curiosity I pushed them and sure enough those too are buckling off the wall. SIGH!!!!!!!!!!

So as I said the quality of workmanship has gone down the tubes and that's why people keep moving cause once their house starts falling apart they sell it off to move into a new house to start the process all over again.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Well the other day I read in the paper that now they want to ban Muslims form practicing Yoga. Now I don't know about you, but in an attempt to protect Islam the Malays are being banned from so many things. In my blog I normally stay away from saying anything political but guess this is the last straw.

Yes Yoga stems from Hinduism but frankly speaking the yoga they teach in Yoga Zone is not going to upset any ones religious sensibilities. The Christians are also jumping on the Yoga band wagon as well, with some ministers saying that Christians shouldn't practice Yoga.

Give me a break what harm can a bunch of stretching exercises have on any ones religion. It's just stretching and good for your health. If this keeps going on Malaysia can no longer say that it is a progressive Islamic country that is tolerant.