Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just one or those f***ing days

So have your ever have one of those days when everything that can go wrong did go wrong. Well yesterday was one of those days. I seem to be having a lot of them lately and starting to feel like someone is out to get me.

I bid for an online job only the second one I ever bid on and got. Trouble started when I couldn't open the file. I called Justin he was out of office so he couldn't help me. I forwarded the message to him, and he finally got to check it at around 2 pm he had no trouble opening it so he sent it back to me. Trouble was the electricity in the house went out at 1 pm and didn't come back until 9:30 pm.

It did come back for about 20 mins at around 5 pm but went out again. So at 9:30 pm tried to log on again and the Internet connection was out and didn't come back until this morning around 9 pm. So with all that happening I was out over RM 200.00. NOW DOESN'T THAT JUST SUCK THE BIG ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still can't open the file!!!!!!!!!!

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