Ok lets face it, what woman out there wouldn't want to look like this. While most of us say we prefer to age gracefully we are only kidding ourselves. We say this because we can't afford plastic surgery or we are afraid of the pain. Now I'd like to say that yes I embrace my age and the way I look and would never have any work done but I'd be lying. If some kind soul offered to pay for me to have plastic surgery done I'd take them up on their offer in a flash.
Now its bad enough that when I roll out of bed every morning, and yes I mean roll because I can't jump out of bed anymore like a teenage girl, I must then head to the bathroom and look in the mirror while brushing my teeth and look at those huge eye bags which seem to get bigger and bigger everyday. As my eyesight begins to clear I notice that the skin on my face sags, my pores look bigger and good god are those grey hairs in my almost nonexistent eyebrows?? Damn!! I shudder. As I drag my weary ass down stairs to start the morning chores and I mean drag because the pain in my back and legs will not permit me to move any faster. Once downstairs I boil the kettle, make my coffee, plunk my ass down in my chair and contemplate life as that small amount of movement has worn me out.
Once the chores are done I head on upstairs for a shower where I can see that my butt is sagging, my boobs are sagging, my thighs are sagging and pretty much anything else that can sag is. It's a depressing sight. My hair is fifty percent grey and I have stopped dying it a few years ago because it is a pain to do it. I also notice that I have started to gain weight, I used to weigh in at a hundred and eight to a hundred and ten pounds, but now I notice that my butt is bigger and good lord where did that sagging gut come from? It's just grotesque.
I have used anti-aging skin care to no avail. Miracle in a jar, my aunts fannny! There is no such thing. So if someone were kindly to pay for me to have an overhaul, I'd grab it. I wouldn't have much done, I'd have my eye bags removed which have plagued me since my thirties, I'd have my boobs done and a little face lift. I'd have my gut removed, after five kids it's not a pretty sight. Aging gracefully, not for me if someone paid for my plastic surgery. I'll fight it every step of the way. I'd draw the line at some point though, after all I wouldn't want to look like Mary Tyler Moore when I'm in my seventies, that is a scary sight.
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