Wednesday, January 20, 2010

American Idol

So once again American Idol is on the air and going into their ninth season. I didn’t watch the first few seasons because of the late hours I worked but around the third season I started to watch. At first I enjoyed it watching the show but year after year I began to lose interest and season eight I did not watch at all.

Idol has just lost its appeal for me every year it is the same old thing. People across the US fill the stadiums where the trials are being held. Mind you there are some really good singers out there and disserve a chance at the title, unfortunately there are also those idiots that insist on auditioning who can’t sing worth a damn. The trouble with these people is they are so full of themselves that they think they can sing and get right upset when they are asked to leave.

Another reason why I stopped watching Idol was because of Paula Abdul. She has got to be the most brainless, blubbering idiot to ever grace our screens. So when I read that Paula’s contract wasn’t going to be renewed this year I cheered. Through all the seasons I don’t think that witless woman has ever said anything remotely intelligent. One day, with nothing to watch on TV, I ended up watching her reality show and I have to tell you it sucks ass. All that woman did was whine, bitch and complain. Seriously if I wanted to listen to all that whining, bitching and complaining I’d go out and buy myself a bottle of vodka, drink it and sit and listen to my own thoughts.

So this season when they announced that Ellen DeGeneres was going to be the new judge I was ecstatic once again. Once again I sit and watch Idol with all the crappy singers that make your bowels cringe and also a few very good surprises and once in Hollywood Ellen will join the veteran judges and I can’t wait for her to bring some humour and wit to the tired out show and to see how she pits herself against Simon. Here’s to you Ellen make this season a good one and one worth watching.

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