Saturday, September 13, 2008

Bloody Computers

It now seems in this day and age we cannot live without the computer. Mine has been a source of comfort to me since I have been unemployed, and so when my son tried to turn it on yesterday it would not go on, instead it kept making a beeping sound.

I ranted and raved because I would not be able to go onto my computer to write my blog. Now you might say so what, but to me my blog is were I hone my writing skills for when I decide to write my novel. LOL.

No seriously I have always wanted to write a novel. Just never had the chance or the time.

Now back to my computer. My computer is not yet 3 months old and already there is something wrong with it. We are still paying for it as we bought it on time payments at 0 percent interest for 12 months. Luckily we paid extra so it would have a 3 year warranty. Trouble is since it disappointed me on a Saturday we have to wait until Monday to call the service centre. Two whole days of bloody waiting.

This morning I could stand it no longer and begged my son to let me use his laptop. He did so reluctantly as his laptop has all his work on it from his job, so he is always fear full that I will accidentally delete something. Don't worry son so far so good everything is still intact.

Hopefully when my son calls the service centre they will come tomorrow and fix it. I usually don't spend much time on the computer on Mondays as I clean the inner sanctum I call my bedroom. I love my bedroom it is so cool to sleep in at night not to mention the big king size bed.
Unfortunately it is hellish hot during the day. I don't have aircon in my house and so we rely on the ceiling fans.

So when my son calls them tomorrow I hope they get their hinies here so they can fix it straight away or I will be hopping up and down screaming and pulling my thinning hair out. I need to continue my search for free online jobs that I can do at home. I need to make myself busy or I will be wallowing on the couch in self pity. I have already gotten one invite to a blogspot that pays you money, so I don't want to delay when they give the final approval. There are many more blog sites out there that I can apply to which I have not had the chance to do yet so please get my puter fixed.

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