Friday, September 26, 2008

Somethings Wrong Here

After writing my blog and pinging it I like to check out some of the other blogs to see what other people are writing about.

I can't remember who the blogger was but his blog site had a YouTube segment about a 15 year old girl in the states who claims that she has had sex 300 times with 15 guys and wants to get pregnant. The poor mother has caught her daughter in her bed with some guy 3 times. The stupid kid (and that's what she is a kid) has even bought baby toys, clothes, bottles and pacifiers in preparation for that time.

Now somethings wrong here when a 15 year olds sole mission in life is to get laid and get pregnant. She even claims that she will prostitute herself to support the baby. Well I guess she's getting some pretty good practice in now isn't she. The mother seemed like a decent woman worried about her daughter but the question has to be asked "How the Hell did you raise that girl?"

A 15 year old girls only responsibility should be to study hard and try to get good grades and hopefully go on to college and eventually get a good job. Not to put a notch on her bed post every time she scores. A girl of that age is not emotionally equipped to be a mother.

In the US, Canada, Britain, Europe the lack of discipline in the house hold is turning our children into monsters. Even in Asia the trend is catching on. Is it because parents are afraid of being accused of child abuse, because their kid can go to the cops and report them if you whacked their little fannies. The experts on parenting tell you to talk to your kids or reason with them but how do you reason with a 3 or 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in the shopping mall because you wouldn't buy them what ever the hell they wanted.

Or maybe the problem in this case is the girl didn't get enough love at home. I don't know but I think if she were my kid I'd lock her up in the house until she was 21.

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