Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Ugly Foreigner

I read a letter in the Star newspaper the other month whereby a local was complaining about rude foreigners in Bangsar and I have to admit, to my dismay there are a few out there. In the day spa where I used to work we catered to mostly westeners. I recall an incident with our manicurist. We had an American mother and daughter in for a full spa treatment and the daughter was having a manicure done as well. Now the mother was an all time pain in the ass and complained about everything, on the other hand the daughter was not so bad. Seems the mother was visiting the daughter, as the daughter had followed her husband here ,as he had been posted here to work. So as the daughter sat and did her manicure the manicurest accidentally cut the ladies finger with the cuticle cutter. Off course she bled like a stuck pig and when the mother saw what had happened she started to raise holy hell. I could see the daughter was embarrassed by the mothers behaviour and kept telling the mother that it was ok. The mother was undaunted and proceeded to complain to the manageress threatening to complain to the boss, and to make amends we must give them their spa treatments for free. Which is exactly what the manageress did. Here in Malaysia we to have our rude locals. Witness the locals when they drive how they cut you off, fight you for a parking space and please don't even ask them to wait their turns. The roads become jammed during rush hour because they simply cannot wait. Don't expect them to give way to you because they won't and so you must force your way in. Getting on the LRT is a nightmare as everyone rushes towards the entrance even before the passangers getting off can disembark, and what about the men. I have had men rush through the door after I have opened it to go in myself. Is that not rude. Hey buds if I open the door for myself I don't expect you to rush in first. I have been to the gas station waited 5 minutes to pump gas only to have some asshole on a motorbike quickly rush to the pump I had been waiting for and at that same day spa those locals who can afford to go expect you to kiss their asses because they paid for it. So before we start complaining about the Ugly Foreigner we should take a look around at the Ugly Malaysian, because they are there elbowing you out of the way so they can get on the elevator first or order their food before you.

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