Monday, September 29, 2008

Gas Prices

I saw in yesterdays paper that the price of gas has gone down by 10 cents a litre in preparation for the Raya balik kumpung.

Saturday several gas stations had run out of gas because they didn't stock pile for the Raya rush.
Reason given was that if they stock piled they would lose money. Now I can't in all honesty blame them. With the governments decision to lower and raise the petrol prices at whim we the consumer benefit but what about the petrol kiosk owners.

Is it fair to them that they are the ones who should have to take a fall, and once Raya is over will the price of gas go back up again. Most kiosk owners are just like you and I trying to get by in these uncertain times. The problem though even though the price of gas goes down nothing else does. Public transport remains the same , food prices remain the same as does the price of eating out. Our salaries remain the same. With prices going up most people have had to cut back drastically, because salaries do not increase. Hell your lucky if your boss doesn't ask you to take a pay cut because the company is not earning as much, because of the raise in prices.

Now I don't know about you but I think most businesses should start reviewing employees salaries and start giving everyone an increase. It's got to the point that you can't even count on your bonus anymore.

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