Saturday, September 20, 2008

A Series Of Unfortunate Events

When I was growing up in Canada my parents had always celebrated our birthday. So the festivity was celebrated with a birthday party and we could invite a few of our friends and of course our cousins. The party was always held on Saturday and if our birthday happened to fall on a weekday my parents would give us their gifts, to us, on that special day. The food served at the party would always be hotdogs with the birthday cake and ice cream for desert. That was because it was the easiest to make.

When my kids were born I too made it a practice to celebrate their birthdays. When we were in Canada it was fine but once we came to Malaysia things just weren't the same. I lived with my in laws for 11 years and the only birthdays celebrated in that house were my father in laws and my mother in laws so I made it a point to celebrate my children's birthday on my own. Every year they would get presents and also a birthday cake to mark their special day.

To this day I still celebrate my children's birthday with a present and a cake. Since Dawn's birthday was on a Tuesday this year we managed to celebrate it last night. Alex had smsed us that he had wanted to take us all out for dinner along with his dad.

Saturday morning he messaged me to come around 5 o'clock so we could have a couple of beers before going off to dinner. Of course, as usual we were late. My first born son was dragging his ass and when I bitched at him about it he told me to chill. "Can't we ever be on time for anything?" I had whined. "Christ we were late for your sisters wedding." He replies "Since we were late for her wedding I don't think it matters if we are late going to her condo." With that I turned to Pei Shin, his girlfriend and said ,"This guy will be late for his own wedding!" "Probably"
he says.

We finally got to the condo had a beer then went off for dinner. Before we left we all needed to visit the loo which is in Dawns room. Now apparently there is something wrong with her ceiling fan so they cannot switch it off. Justin didn't know so when he came out of the room he switched it off because I taught them to conserve electricity. Luckily Dawn and Alex informed us yes the fan will start up again on its own but it takes time, so before we left she opened her bedroom window to let some air in.

We went off for dinner and forgot to bring the birthday cake, so we decided to go back to their place and sing happy birthday there. As we waited for Pei Shin to come (she'd gone for her grandfathers birthday dinner) we talked, I drank beer and the rest of my kids disturbed the cats and watched a DVD. After the DVD and Pei Shin was there we sang happy birthday.

When I want to smoke I usually out to Dawn's laundry area to smoke and so towards the end of the evening I heard a cat meowing, after which we discovered two cats were missing. It seems the two had pushed open the bedroom window and had escaped. Dawn had forgotten about the window and the cats had discovered that their mom had forgotten and made their escape. They managed to get one cat back, but when we left one was still MIA. This morning she told me they finally got the cat back it took them until 2 o'clock in the morning and her shower is working.

Last night as we were driving off she had called her brother and asked if anyone had been pissing around in the shower, seems there was no water coming out. Just a series of unfortunate events.

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