Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sad Day

My eldest daughter messaged me yesterday that her mother in law was terminal and they did not expect her to last the night, and sure enough in the early evening she messaged me again that her mother in law has passed away.

Stella had been diagnosed with cancer almost two years ago. The poor woman had been having trouble with her stomach and couldn't eat. The first thing everyone thought was that it was a gastric problem. She was admitted to the hospital where tests were run and it was found that she had a huge growth in her stomach, which turned out to be malignant. She underwent surgery and had had to have half of her stomach removed. She went through a session of chemo and once done she seemed to be doing quite well until last April. She had been having a high fever and so she was admitted once again. This time it was her kidneys not functioning properly because of an infection. Once they got rid of the infection, she once again rallied around and seemed better.

July arrived and my daughter and her son became husband and wife. Stella attended and even though she was painfully thin she looked fantastic. She seemed happy to finally see her only son marry. We all had thought she had beaten the cancer.

Unfortunately we were wrong. Two weeks ago she was hospitalized with another high fever. She was vomiting and therefore could not keep any food down. Without food in her stomach her body could not receive any nutrients to sustain it. They did more tests and found the cancer had come back and the doctor diagnosed only 2 weeks to live at the most. When my daughter called me on Sunday she told me that Stella was being kept alive by her intravenous tube. Stella did not survive for two weeks, she succumbed early last night.

I did not get to know Stella well because I was working and had a busy schedule. She lived in PJ and I live in Klang but the few times that we have met I found her to be nice woman. She is a Christian and I am a free thinker and so I wish her from the bottom of my heart,"Go with God, Stella He will receive you." You will be forever in our hearts and sadly missed.

1 comment:

BoOgerrr said...

that's beautiful mom. i wished i'd gotten to know her better too. In the time in which we got to know her, she was always so kind and carried with her, a positive and beautiful energy.
the angels have guided her to where she now is; with god. much love to aunty stella.