Saturday, August 30, 2008

Harry Potter

Now I am a huge Harry Potter fan and have read most of the books and so my daughter borrowed the last book 'Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows' from her friend the other week. I had been waiting anxiously for the book to come out and I remember the big hype there was when the book was launched. Your probably wondering why I didn't read it earlier, the fact is I didn't have the time because I was working and I was too cheap to pay the RM100.00 it cost to buy. Now I have read it and I'm so glad that JK Rawlings did not kill off Harry Potter. Poor guy went through so much in his life he deserves to have his happy ending. I was a bit upset when she killed of one of the Weasly twins ( Fred). So now we have to wait for the movie to come out. Frankly speaking I'd rather read the books. The movies somehow do not do justice to the Harry Potter stories. So much of the story is cut out of movies that are in the books that you end up you don't know what the hell is going on and end up scratching your head and going HuH! If they can get the good fight scene in the movie that goes on at the school that would be great. All in all the Harry Potter series is a good read, the actors made millions and so did JK Rawlings. I once read an interview that was done with Rawlings and she complained that Harry Potter had taken up soooo much of her life. All I can say to that is "Suck it up Rawlings!" "Quit whining look at all the millions you made out of Harry. " Here's hoping the movie version will be better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't fancy the movie versions either. And I'm just as cheap, haha! I waited for someone to upload a pdf version online. :D