Thursday, August 28, 2008

Reality TV

Since I have been unemployed I have had the opportunity to watch television. I have to say I lovvvve watching tv. I like to watch a good movie or a crime drama show, but now a days they have come out with shows which they call Reality Shows. Now I personally don't like Reality TV, but because of nothing better to watch I get sucked into a few that they show on E Entertainment. First off we have 'Kimora Life In The Fab Lane'. Now this show I don't mind it's nice to see how the other half lives, and Kimora worked for everything she has. She can be temperamental throwing fits here and there but I guess she's entitled once in a while. Her two daughters are cute and pampered but hey if I was in her position I'd probably do the same. The next show that I watch is 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' another entertaining show with lots of high drama. Those girls are real drama queens and throw a shit fit every chance they get. Before this show started no one even knew who they were.Step father Bruce Jenner, who is an Olympic Gold Medalist, was the only person on that show I'd ever heard about. So the Kardasian Girls are famous for what? Maybe their extremely large asses. One thing that irritates me about this show though, is the fact that they are always dumping on the mother and blame her for everything. Now the third show I follow, and I seriously don't know why I even bother is 'Living Lohan'. A seriously ridiculous show following little Ali's so called singing career. This kid seriously cannot sing and if she were to ever audition on 'American Idol' Simmon would kick her butt out. She wants to follow in her sister Lindsey's foot steps but hey no contest there. Her mother is really too much. Pushing her along, has her convinced that this is what she wants to do. "Hey Mom did Lindsey cut you off or something." Now Lindsey is talented especially as an actress but her sister pleaaase. Now I could go on and on about this show, how the mother hires a bunch of yes men and women who tell little Ali how great she sounds. How little Ali throws her little temper tantrums when things don't go her way. This is a classic example of a stage mother trying to push her daughter into the limelight with probably disastrous results. I surely cannot see the kids album hitting the charts and when it doesn't little Ali is going to get the biggest awakening of her life.

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