Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday Morning Meetings

I know I know I keep going on about that job, but hey this is my way of venting. Every monday morning we had our meeting which all the staff must attend no excuses. Hell you can't even take your annual leave on that day. It wouldn't be so bad attending the meetings if anything relevant was said or done during said meetings. When I first started with the company I only went to HQ once a week and that was to attend Monday Morning Meetings. The rest of the time I was at our outlets keeping an eye on the girls, motivating them to do sales and of course boost sales. Now I have to say its pretty hard to motivate people when you yourself do not feel motivated. Now to me when it comes to doing sales I say it takes a special breed, in other words they need to grow an extra layer of skin. I really do salute those sales people around the world. Eventually said company opened some counters in some high class shopping complexes to get their products out there. Create brand awareness so to speak, and there they threw me. To look after one of the counters. They hauled me into the office (which was not a monday morning) and told me that I would be in charge of one of their most prestigious places. Well those places didn't make money cause there were hardly any people in those complexes. So with the counters not making money I was raked over the coals every few weeks. I finally burned out my blood pressure went up up up and so I was brought back into HQ as a trainer which was the job I had originally applied for. So back to our Monday Morning Meeting I cannot believe the most anal things that were said, and the best one that comes to my mind was the time the Matriach of the company was fed up with seeing everyones messy desk. So she sat there started talking about the messy desks. Of course I had to pipe up that hey if the desk is messy people must be working hard. She shoots back no she works harder then anyone here and her desk is not messy. Then she gets personnal. "If I went to everyone's house, before I even went in I could tell wether that persons house was messy or not." Well its a good thing I'd never invite her to my house I thought. I am a neat person but when your working some things just fall to the wayside. Then she continues " If you came to my house you would see that my house is neat and tidy nothing out of place not even a pillow on the couch. If I were to see a speck of dust anywhere I get my maid to clean it up. With that all eyes rolled to the ceiling and we were pinching each on the thigh, I of course was laughing on the other side of my face. This from a woman whose cleaning lady at the office must serve her, her tea. The only time she comes out of the office is to pee and if she could get the cleaning lady to do that for her, well hell she would and before she arrives at the office one of the general workers must wait for her to open her door and carry her things up. Yep will sure miss those monday morning meetings with all that audacity and crap.

1 comment:

dawnzilla said...

All I can say here mom is... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH.... Her eyes must be twitching!